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Flirting and seducing women online is something really cool and exciting. For the romantic version, wouldn't it be so sweet that the girl of your dreams is online in another part of the world waiting for the guy that will finally make her heart fall in love? Well, let's get a little technical this time --- making her attracted to you online is one of the many perks of the internet. When you get the kick of being a little teasing and playful, (but not really that confident yet to meet women), sit in front of your computer and start the search. Below are a few tips on how to start flirting and seducing women online --- and get the game of attraction begin!

Be confident. Being shy won't do you any good. Try to get know the rest of the world --- start online. Of course, this can be tweaked a little since you're more confident in dealing with a girl online but make it as your training ground until you finally get to meet free chat someone for real. Stay connected and updated with internet offers and options and you'll be a babe magnet sooner that you expected.

Be interesting. Don't get stuck with the usual routine. Online, you're expected to be more creative and fun and that's the beauty of the internet --- you're free to express whatever you want (without offending anyone of course but that happens too). All you need is a few lessons on good conversation starters and you're all geared up to being hunting for lots of girls at last!

Be true. Don't say anything that doesn't fit you for that might lead to your downfall. You know yourself more than anyone else and being yourself will always be the best option. Of course, I have to agree that it is tempting to create an image of yourself that's far from your own but better curb the urge. It spells doom.